
Overview of the marketing campaign for 2022

Website Advertising
A series of web banner advertisements will appear on media partner websites and other targeted websites .

Magazine Advertising
A number of advertisements will appear in key Family needs related publications in the three months leading up to the Expo Promotions


A series of promotions will take place leading up to the Expo to encourage industry visitors to pre-register and the general public to pre-book.

Flyers & Posters
A range of trade invitation flyers,  and posters will be distributed via a range of channels.

A series of email will be sent to prospective trade visitors in the lead up to the expo building a story about the expo .

A newspaper campaign will commence leading up to the Expo .

Through commercial airtime, live reads and promotional properties, Radio advertising will showcase the Family Expo on a multi-platform level to drive awareness and create hype around the event.

Social Media
A cutting edge social media and digital campaign has been implemented with high engagement with both consumer and trade led content. A strong presence on Facebook and blogs alongside other platforms including YouTube, Twitter and Instagram has created a social media hub, tying together a fully integrated digital program.